Friday, October 23, 2015

"Wo unto them that call evil good, and good evil, that put darkness for light, and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

This is a verse that describes something very prevalent in our times. Where the commandments of God are tossed aside and we are living in a world were people are calling darkness light and light darkness. 

I see this from just the 10 commandments that every Christian believes in.

The Apostle L. Tom Perry spoke of this in This video:

In the video he says "In my judgment, four of the Ten Commandments are taken as seriously today as ever. As a culture, we disdain and condemn murder, stealing, and lying, and we still believe in the responsibility of children to their parents. 
But as a larger society, we routinely dismiss the other six commandments:
If worldly priorities are any indication, we certainly have "other gods" we put before the true God. We make idols of celebrities, of lifestyle, of wealth, and yes, sometimes even graven images or objects. 
We use the name of God in all kinds of profane ways, including our exclamations and our swearing.
We use the Sabbath day for our biggest games, our most serious recreation, our heaviest shopping, and virtually everything else but worship. 
We treat sexual relations outside marriage as a recreation, an entertainment. And coveting has become a far too common way of life." (Elder L. Tom Perry, "Obedience to Law is Liberty", April 2013, emphasis added)

I don't think anyone can deny the truths spoken of by this Apostle of the Lord, because these are things that we see in our everyday lives. In the media and television we see in almost every moment people who are trying to make evil things look desirable or even like it is something okay, or good.

It is necessary that we must be able to differentiate between the two.

For if we do our life will be sweet, as compared in the scripture.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Don't Shove Your Politics Down My Throat.

We live in a very opinionated world. With many differing opinions, Especially about politics.

As I scroll through my Facebook, or Twitter, or even my Instagram I see endless political agendas, coming from all side of the spectrum. Republicans, Democrats, The Tea Party, The Green Party. All telling me what to think, what to do, what to say or who to vote for.

Right now all I have to say is Don't shove your politics down my throat.

now where does that phrase come from?

Let us take a quick look at the importance of it for me. I am a Christian, more specifically a Mormon. Now did something like that phrase above just pop into your head? Its one I get all the time, people tell me quite frequently to not shove my religion down their throats.

But digging even deeper why do I hear that phrase?

It seems that in our world today the mention of religion is offensive. If I mention my religion or even the name of Jesus Christ in a reverent manner people tell me to stop.

but why?

I am not telling them to do anything, I am not trying to change what they think, or do, or say, or who to believe in. I'm barely even stating something that I believe, most things I mention about Jesus Christ are not just Mormon subliminal images but things that uplift all people who believe in Christ, to feel better, and occasionally helping those who do not share that believe. Thats helping almost 2 billion people in the world at a time (2.2 billion Christians (32 percent of the world’s population).)

Now how is that any worse than politics?

As mentioned I see a LOT of political posts. Probably averaging about 5-15 a day, depending on how much time I spend online.

And I will admit sometimes I linger into these links or posts and read others opinions. Normally written to tear down others believes or change their view on something.

How is that good for anyone?

I know I am not the only one who after reading something political can feel upset, angry, sometimes even just disgusted by what was said. Sometimes even if I agree with the party or candidate.

I am not trying to offend anyone with this, but maybe we should feel just a propelled to keep our political opinions to ourselves as we are our religious ones.

or if you are fine trying to share your political beliefs maybe we should be fine with others sharing something about their religious ones.

I normally do not speak of politics for this reason. Not because I do not care, not because I'm not interested but because I want everyone to be able to feel good about themselves, their opinions and their believes. And I hope everyone can begin to do the same.

We dont want to live in a world of hate and offence do we?

I love you all,
Kirstin Peters

Saturday, October 10, 2015

1 Nephi 21: 13-16

"Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; for the feet of those who are in the east shall be established; and break forth into singing, O mountains; for they shall be smitten no more; for the Lord hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted. But, behold, Zion hath said: The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me—but he will show that he hath not. For can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee, O house of Israel. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me."
Now, all of us have had trail in our lives, and this is a great blessing that the Lord gives us so that we might always have Him on our side.
That He will never forget us.
When we speak of this we always speak of the poem of the man who looks back on his life as footsteps in the sand- in short. He sees sometimes there are two sets of foot prints, his and the Lords along side them.
but it the hardest times of his life there was only one set, and he turns to the Lord and asks "Lord why in my greatest times of need you abandoned me?" and the Lord simple responds "I did not abandon you, I carried you"
And isn't that fantastic?
even when we don't think about it, don't recognize Him in our lives, He is still there. But my favorite part of the verse is when He says "I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands".
The Lord suffered and died for us, but it was because of His love for us. His undying charity, or the pure love of Christ. 
Thats something I have been focusing on the last few weeks, is the Charity that the Lord has for each and every one of us. And even though He knows all of our sins, even though men are those who killed Him. He still has this undying love for each and everyone of us. To carry us through our hardest times.
But only if we ask for His help.
This is something I have though about this week also. How many when faced with trails. Tend to turn away from the Lord. Whether because the think that they have offended Him in some way, or because they become angry because of their suffering. But If we turn to the Lord, He will bless us in ways we have never imagined.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mi Misión No Era Mis Mejores Dos Años

Esta historia es traducida del Blog de Benjamin Carraway, se llama "The Way of Carraway". Puedes encontrar la original en ingles acá
Gracias a Al Fox Carraway por el permiso de traducir esta historia para que todos pueden leerlo.

Salí para mi misión el 23 de febrero de 2011 y fui a servir en Filadelfia, Pensilvania, EEUU. Nunca voy a olvidar mis primeros días de mi misión y en especial un consejo de mi Presidente de Misión dio a los nuevos misioneros. Mientras que estábamos sentados en una aula en la capilla, él nos miró en los ojos y dijo “No me gusta la frase ‘los mejores dos años’”. Cuando él nos dijo esto estaba confundido porque era la frase escuchamos cuando crecemos miembros de la iglesia. Cuando son niños, las personas les dicen esto siempre, “Y cuando siervas en una misión, vas a pasar los mejores dos años de tu vida!” Aún hay una película SUD se llama “Los Mejores Dos Años” que creo muchos, si no todos, de ustedes han visto antes.
Pero, lo que él me dijo entro a mi corazón, y lo medite en ello desde el primer día de mi misión, y pensé en ello cada día! Regrese a mi casa hace casi dos años. Y mucho ya paso en mi vida después de mi mision. Y ahora puedo decir que mi Presidente tenía razón. Mi misión no era los mejores dos años de mi vida, y así debe ser. Mi misión siempre va a ser algo especial en mi vida y cuando paso más tiempo en mi casa, mas pienso en mi misión y todo lo que aprendí, sentí y experimente. Extraño las personas de Cabo Jay, Nueva Jersey, Valle Forge, Pensilvania, New Castle, Delaware, Honesdale, Pensilvania, y Allentown, Pensilvania. Todas estas personas me bendijeron y me ayudaron a cambiar me en el hombre quien es soy hoy día.

Ruego, Todos quienes sirvieron en una misión, no deja que sea los mejores dos años de tu vida, pero que sea el fundamento de lo que puede pasar en nuestros vidas.

Mi Presidente dijo mas. Él dijo “Una misión no es, y no debe ser los mejores dos años de tu vida. Pero, son los mejores dos años que puede hacer por tu vida.” Me encanta esto! Mas él dijo “Cuando vayas a tu casa, vas a casarte y tener más experiencias sagradas que tu misión puede dar.” El explico cuanto él amaba su misión, pero estar casado a su esposa y sus llamamientos pasados eran parte de los mejores años de su vida.

Mi misión es algo especial en mi vida, y me ayudo a cambiar me hasta la persona quien es soy hoy, como persona, como esposo, y como padre. Pero, en todas las cosas que me pasaron, mi misión era un fundamento para construir cosas mejores que podía imaginar!

En mi tiempo después de la misión tuve muchas experiencias sagradas, por esto yo sé que lo dijo mi Presidente era verdadero. Conocí mi esposa mi primera semana en casa. Ella estaba viajando y hablando casi cada día cuando estábamos saliendo antes de nuestro casamiento. Fui con ella por todos lados, y vi mi esposa ayudar las vidas de miles de personas por todo el país. Y conocimos autoridades generales, líderes y apóstoles, y todo esto tiene un impacto en mi vida.
En agosto de 2013, case y sello en La Casa del Señor, y en junio de 2014 nació nuestra primera hija, Gracie Lena. Cada día, en el tiempo después de mi misión yo he experimentado y he visto más de las bendiciones de Dios. Vida después de la misión es mejor y los experiencias sagradas son más profundas.

No deja que tu misión sea la experiencia mayor de tu vida espiritual! Hay más para venir si te permites. Cada día es nuevo, y no le espera para nadie. No deja que pasa las oportunidades para hacerlo mejor y ser mejor y recibir y experimentar más. Una misión no debe ser los mejores dos años de tu vida, para nada! Debe ser los mejores dos años por tu vida. Con Dios, cosas maravillosas nos espera. Sigue Adelante, Sigue creciendo, Sigue aprendiendo, Sigue fortaleciendo, y Sirviendo. Porque en verdad, los últimos dos años desde regrese eran más sagrados e inspiradores, llena de bendiciones y oportunidades que nunca podía recibir sin Dios ni mi proprio esfuerzo.