Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Serve With All of Your Heart Might Mind and Strength

Week Fifty!

Well the New Year is here, (Yeah Hna Peters you’ve been saying that for like 3 weeks now).  But this year for the Youth the theme is serving the Lord with all of your heart might mind and strength and that’s a good one.  It’s something that can apply to all of us.  So point by point we will see how we can apply that to all of us.

Serve With All Your Heart: This last week the title of the lesson in all of the world for Relief Society and Priesthood was The Great Commandment: Love the Lord. Which is the perfect way of starting off the year. Because that is really how we can serve the Lord with all our heart. Is to love him. And as explained in The Teachings of President Ezra Taft Benson we can do that with Charity. We are always saying the only way we can be in the service of our God is if we are in the service of our fellow man. So when we apply the pure love of Christ in our lives is when we can truly begin to love one another and to love the Lord, and then when we Serve, or work we will be serving with all of our Heart to show him that we are not just obedient because it is the right thing to do, but we do it because we love the Lord.

Serve With All Your Might: For a lot of my life I always thought that serving with all my might was the same as with all my strength. But in the mission I have learned that Might is something a lot more spiritual. This week I cut open my foot. To continue to go out every day requires something a lot more than physical strength. It’s a lot of my might. I know that the people that we are helping right now are hurting a lot more spiritually than my foot hurts. And to have the might to serve the Lord is stepping out of the limits we put on ourselves to serve the Lord. And my might is the biggest miracle I have seen in the mission. I mean who thought that Hna Peters would talk to strangers. Well she is. I know I still fault a lot before I’m complete not a hermit but everyday I am pushing myself to new levels that I didn’t know I had, because I know that the Lord is on my side and I can am nothing without him.

Serve With All Your Mind: This one is one that we can always do better. When we serve with all our mind we are always thinking in Him and His sacrifice for us. And that we mentally are always looking for ways to serve Him and His people. In the mission we have a describing word, that is Trunkey, which is when a missionary has their mind in there house or when they are close to ending their mission, and yeah, maybe this Christmas we have all been a little Trunkey, and ending our first year in the mission so close to the holidays doesn’t help a lot, but these past two weeks we have been striving together to work together to serve with all of our mind. So that we can have the spirit with us to testify of the things that we know that are true and that is the greatest blessing we can have for serving with all of our mind.

Serve With All Your Strength: As I explained before, I always thought this was the same as might, in some ways it is. But also not, because this really is the physical aspect of it all. And after almost a year in the mission I can definitely feel the rewards of serving with all your strength. I’m going to be honest and say that I’m tired. I’m really, really tired. But it is so rewarding every time we make it to the top of the hill to knock on doors, we hurt and have lost a bit of our breath, but to knock on a door of someone who has been prepared by the Lord makes it all worth it. The human body is amazing, yeah we all have our physical limits, but if we do everything we can and the Lord knows that we have done so, He is very proud of us.

As the year goes on I hope that we can all learn how to apply these things in our life and that we can grow closer to the Lord as we do so.

Hermana Peters

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